🚀 Streamline Website Creation: Golang, Markdown, Tailwind, Alpine.js, Templ

- Inspired by Nuxt Content

Where we're bringing simplicity and efficiency back to web development. Our journey began with a realization: creating simple web pages shouldn't require complex solutions. This project is our exploration into making web development straightforward, focusing on static sites with minimal updates.

Why Not WordPress?

For many, WordPress is the go-to solution for creating websites with a handful of pages and posts. However, it's like having a swimming pool guard at the Olympics: unnecessary for the skilled and an overkill for the simple needs. Our project seeks to avoid the overhead of databases for content that rarely changes, optimizing both development and page load times.

Introduction to Our Approach

Inspired by the elegance of Nuxt and the simplicity of Vue, we found a way to streamline web development without sacrificing performance. Our goal was to develop a web application that is not only quick to develop but also exceptionally fast for the end-user.

The Turning Point

While experimenting with a Nuxt-driven site, the resource consumption for a low-traffic scenario was notably high. This observation led us to rethink our approach and explore alternatives that maintain simplicity without the resource overhead.

Our Solution: A Golang Web App

We developed a lightweight web app in Golang, focusing on the following features:

Why Golang?

Choosing Golang for this project was strategic. Its performance in terms of resource management is unparalleled, especially when compared to more traditional choices for web development in similar scenarios. Our app demonstrates that even for simple sites, efficiency doesn't have to be compromised.


Getting Started

To set up this project locally and start contributing, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

    git clone git@github.com:mediamagi/magicms-medium.git
  2. Install Golang if it's not already installed on your system.

  3. Environment Setup:

    • Copy example.env to .env in the project root. This file contains necessary environment variables for running the application.

      cp example.env .env
  4. Compile the Application:

    • Navigate to the project directory and run go run main.no to compile and run the application.
  5. View the output:

    • Navigate to localhost:3000 in your web browser to view the site. It will look for an index.md or index.html in the content folder to render. Make sure you have an index file.
  6. Working with CSS:

    • To automatically compile your Tailwind CSS, use the following command:

      npx tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o ./static/css/styles.css --watch

    This command watches for changes in your CSS and automatically recompiles the Tailwind output file.

  7. Generating Templates:

    • For dynamic template generation, use the templ generate --watch command. This will monitor your template files for changes and automatically regenerate them as needed.

      templ generate --watch

(The rest of the content is injected as a related file to index.md)

Adding meta title and description in the markdown file

title: This is the title
description: This is the description

Add the meta fields you need, and grab them using the following syntaxt in main.go


Handling Related Content in Markdown Files

Our platform supports associating related content with Markdown documents through the use of a relation field within the document's front matter. This allows for the seamless integration of additional resources, enhancing the richness and utility of your content.

Specifying Related Content

To specify related content, include the relation field in the YAML front matter of your Markdown document. The related content must be located within the same directory as the referring document. Here’s how you can specify a related HTML file:

relation: _additionalInfo.html

Naming Conventions and Access


Including an HTML File

For Markdown documents that require supplementary HTML content to be displayed alongside the Markdown-rendered content, specify the HTML file using the relation field. The content of this file will be rendered in place when the Markdown document is accessed. Remember, if the filename starts with _, the content is intended for inclusion and not direct access:

relation: _contactForm.html

Making Related Content Accessible

If you have a related document that should also be accessible on its own, simply ensure it does not begin with _. This is useful for supplementary guides, forms, or any content that serves a dual purpose—both as standalone and as related content.

relation: termsOfService.html

Render meta data in a html file:

<!-- Meta:
  title: Example Title
  description: Example Description
  relation: _ar.md

If the related file is inside a folder, add it like this

<!-- Meta:
  relation: foldername/_ar.md